Make a simple dish is a good thing. We don’t need a lot of time and energy. Just prepare yourself to make it with Bajaj Rice Cooker. Dismiss your curiosity.

Who doesn’t love fried rice? It’s a comfort food for many, easy to make, and it uses leftover ingredients. But there are three variants that you must know and are part of the repertoire. You can cook your rice in a bajaj rice cooker the day before and let it sit overnight with the heat off. Dried and medium-hard rice is also good to have for this fried rice.

Egg Fried Rice

The basic, and for many people OG, fried rice. An egg fried rice is good to have as breakfast, hearty lunch, and for a quick grab at dinner. They are easy to prepare.After cooking the rice, unplug your bajaj rice cooker and leave the rice overnight. You can open the cooker to let off more steam, but you also can leave it close. An egg-fried rice calls for cold rice, since it has a firmer texture, and it won’t break easily when it’s on the wok.

Yin Yang Fried Rice

It’s called Yin Yang because it has different toppings for egg-fried rice. One part has the shrimp, or even crab, white sauce and the other part has the red chicken sauce. This fried rice refers to harmony and how you can achieve it. The flavor combination is unique for many people. You can keep the leftover sauce in the bajaj rice cooker.

bajaj-rice-cooker by pixabay

Hong Kong Style Fried Rice

Arguably the most popular fried rice style out there. The Hong Kong style has vegetables and other meats inside the fried rice. The classic recipe includes shrimp, pork, peas, and chicken in the fried rice. But you can adjust it and use your favorite meat and vegetables. A popular recipe calls for diced carrots and a variety of seafood on the fried rice.And because it’s a modification on the classic egg fried rice, you cook can cook egg fried rice in large quantities and keep them in your bajaj rice cooker.

The Perfect Rice for Fried Rice

First thing first, the rice must be cold. You can’t use rice as soon as it is finished cooking. Let the steam out and unplug the cooker. You can move the rice to another container if you wish. Since it has a non-stick coating, you won’t have any issues with cooling the rice off.

Now you know some of the most popular fried rice. You should try some of the recipes out there and explore more. Your bajaj rice cooker will be there to help you cook the rice and keep them warm. Please check Low Carb Rice Cooker also.

Well, we think our article should be good enough to make you the best chef in making the simple dish. If you still confuse about the dish, you have to read it slowly because our article is clear enough. We still insist to remind you in reading our article. Please enjoy reading Rice Cooker Sushi Rice See you!!!