We want to eat something but too lazy to move our butt or to go to a restaurant. What about if we make rice cooker sushi rice at home. Is it difficult?

The key to having good sushi lies in the rice. But everyone often thinks it’s difficult to get the perfect rice consistency, just like the premium sushi they get from an authentic Japanese restaurant. But you shouldn’t worry since it’s possible to have a rice cooker sushi rice, with the restaurant quality. Without long, you will enjoy a plate of homemade sushi as part of your dinner staple every week.

The Secret of the Perfect Sushi Rice

To have the perfect rice, it starts with choosing the correct rice. Medium or short-grained rice is best to use for sushi. It’s because they retain more water and are sticky. Being sticky is crucial for sushi rice because the rice needs to stay together as you pick it up by hand or chopsticks. Another secret for the perfect rice cooker sushi rice is the timing when you add the sushi vinegar. The rice needs to be steamy to keep the flavor in. But you can’t add it as soon as the rice only finished cooking. Of course, adding the vinegar before it cooks is out of the question since it will give an uneven taste. Therefore, you need to watch the cooker and wait three to five minutes before removing the steam and adding the vinegar.

rice-cooker-sushi-rice by pixabay

Help! I Keep on Failing

Most people are fail on having rice cooker sushi rice because they use the incorrect water and rice ratio. You can use the rice cup or measurement unit inside the cooker pot to help you measure the water. However, people also often use the wrong type of rice or choose the wrong cooking method. The latter tends to happen to those using smart or multifunctional rice cookers. It’s a common misconception to think that smart rice cookers can measure water on their own. But all you need is good common sense and a good non-sticky rice cooker pot. You need to check our Rice Measuring Cup in our other article.

To have the perfect rice cooker sushi rice, you just need to pay attention to the timing, rice type, and water amount. Short-grained rice used for sushi needs more water than long-grained one, but it doesn’t mean that they need it a lot more. And since vinegar also counts as a liquid, water is crucial here. When you add too much vinegar, it will ruin the flavor and also the rice texture. And when that happens, you have no other choice but to throw the rice away or change the sushi style to a maki or even chirashi sushi.

Practice Make Perfect” Based on that proverb, you have to try hard and sometimes taking a lot of time to make a perfect sushi. But we believe that once you try to make it, you will get an amazing experience in making sushi. Don’t give up. If you want to know about another receipt that could made by rice cooker, please always peek our article. Next article will be Currys Rice Cooker. Happy reading and see you!!!