Zojirushi will show another way of making sushi rice. You will find that Zojirushi sushi rice can’t be forgotten. It is delicious and easy to make it.

Zojirushi is most wanted Japanese brand that everyone looking for. The technology is up to date. They always up grade their cookware so that their fans will always count on them. Whatever food you request, Zojirushi could make it for you. Let’s talk about Zojirushi sushi rice.

Zojirushi sushi rice is easier to be cooked. The result is delicious, the texture for sushi is perfect and the nutrition  is constant. Obviously, you could follow our below recipe regarding how to make the perfect sushi rice.

Making Zojirushi sushi rice is easy. The ideal rice for sushi is Japanese rice intended for sushi. If you miss in choosing the rice, it would difficult to make sushi shape. Although Japanese rice for sushi is rather pricey but it could cut off your time of making sushi. Moreover, you will get delicious sushi.

The ingredients of Zojirushi sushi rice should be right. And of course the cookware should be in accordance.  You have to choose one of Zojirushi rice cooker which could assist you to cook sushi rice.

We would like to recommend you one of the type of Zojirushi rice cooker. This rice cooker have sushi feature and will help you making Zojirushi sushi rice well. It is Zojirushi NS-LHC05.

The capacity of this rice cooker is 3 cups uncooked rice. It has various menu setting. They are white rice, sushi rice, mixed, porridge, sweet brown and quick cooking. Besides its various menu setting, it also has triple heater. It could generate heat all over the rice cooker such as bottom, side and lid.

In order to remove the bad smell and clean all of the part of rice cooker, the inner lid is detachable. You could remove the inner lid and clean it from the bed odour and stain. Moreover, the cord could be store easily because the power cord is retractable.

Zojirushi also improve the inner pot. The material is non-stick coated spherical. Furthermore, they draw water lines level on the inner pot clearly. You could also see sushi water lines on it. Hence, you don’t have to be worried with the proportion between water and rice.

As we mentioned before that Zojirushi sushi rice will be made differently. But of course the result will come up delicious. Here are the recipes and how to make it:


  • 3 cups Japanese rice for sushi or short or medium grain white rice
  • Water based on the “SUSHI RICE” lever in the inner pot
  • 3 tbsp. sugar
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 4 tbsp. rice vinegar
zojirushi-sushi-rice by pixabay

How to make :

  • Using measuring cup, measure the rice.
  • Rinse rice until the dirt missing and the water become clear
  • Place the rice in the inner pot
  • Add water based on the drawing level for Sushi rice
  • Cook by choosing “Sushi” setting and press “Start”
  • While waiting for the rice cooks, place rice vinegar, sugar and salt in a different bowl.
  • Mix them well and set it aside
  • After the cooked rice finish, place the rice from inner pot to the big bowl. (don’t use metal bowl, since vinegar will react to it)
  • Pour the mixture (vinegar, salt and sugar) on the rice
  • Stir well but don’t do it roughly. This stirring should be done when the rice is still hot.
  • When stirring the rice, fan them with hand or electric fan.
  • Do the stirring and fanning until the rice come up glossy and the temperature of the rice is cooled.
  • You could start making your Zojirushi sushi rice and put your preferred topping for your sushi.

Making sushi is pleasant. You could do it at home with the assistance of your kids and Zojirushi. People said that the hearth of sushi is the rice. Your sushi rice should be soft and consistently sticky. Although you have choose the perfect rice but the tool such as rice cooker, should also precisely.

Sharing a lot of information is our hearth for you. It is the same like choosing rice for sushi. We always give you informative article and broaden your knowledge. Here are the information you should read : Pressure Rice Cooker and Best Zojirushi Rice Cooker. Happy reading and see you!!!