Stovetop Rice Cooker. Since a long time ago our ancestor cooked a lot of food by firewood. After they developed kerosene, they started to create kerosene stove. When the electricity became one of the human necessity, so many electric device even kitchen ware was created. Even there are so many advance electricity kitchenware, but Stovetop Rice Cooker is still exist.

They prefer to use it since they think the rice cooked by stovetop is fluffier. And some of the people choose stovetop rice cooker since they don’t have electricity in their area or the technology hasn’t touch them so using stovetop rice cooker is a must.

Cooking rice in the stovetop is not difficult but it take more time to pay attention on the cooking process. You have to pay attention several thing that could make your cooked rice served perfectly. If you are fail to monitor the process, your rice will be cooked badly. It could be over cooked or undercooked or even burned.

Here are the list of the concern regarding stovetop rice cooker :

  • Right Pot or Pan

If you want to cook on the stovetop, the first thing you have to choose is the right pot or pan. So many pot or pan could be used to cook rice. Use good material of pot or pan. Ceramic, Clay pot, Earthenware, stainless steel or alluminium or other good material could be one of your choice in cooking rice.

  • Rice and Water Proportion

You have to pay attention to the rice and water proportion. The perfect proportion is make the best cooked rice. For example white rice to water is 1 to 2 or it would be 2/3 cup rice to 1 cup water. It depends on the material of pot and also the heat from stovetop. You have to understand also about the type of the rice. Some of the type need less water but sometimes another type needs less water. So you have to memorize it.

  • Heat of stovetop

This matter is also important to cook the rice. Since the process is not automatically as electric rice cooker, we have to know the amount of the heat that use for cooking. For electric stovetop which have heat level adjusting, we easily know the perfect heat for cooking rice. But for stovetop with kerosene, you have to memorize how high the heat needed. If you already know the heat level, the cooked rice will be cooked perfectly.

stovetop rice cooker by pixabay
  • Cooking process

Since the cooking process is not as automatic as electric rice cooker, you have to pay more attention on it. For example, while you are in the middle of cooking rice, don’t open or peek the rice by open the lid several time. It will cause the process of cooking rice is not smooth. And in order to have the best outcome, please don’t leave your stovetop or forget the time when you should turn off the stovetop. If you forget, it could make the rice overcooked or burned.

Well, Mom and Sista, we already put some point to help you in order to have delicious cooked rice by stovetop rice cooker. If you need recommendation in choosing the best pot, you could visit in order to have a lot of choices.

See you soon on our next article. We’ll talk about Japanese rice cooker. If you are interested on the topic (such as instant pot rice), don’t forget to read it on our website. Thank you.