Hello Moms and Sista, have you ever felt confuse when choosing something important? I bet all of us has been in this situation before. Let’s talk about how confusing we are when choosing Rice cooker. One of the confusing mater is Rice cooker price.

When we want to buy rice cooker, we’ll consider about the Rice cooker price apart from the features. Through this article, we would like to help you choosing a suitable rice cooker with the right price.

Rice cooker price will have a lot of different value based on below matter :

  • Capacity

The bigger the capacity of course the price would be more expensive. Rice cooker come up with various capacity. For example :

o The price of 1 litre or 1,2 litre rice cooker is about $30 – $120

o 1,8 litre or 2 litre of rice cooker price would be $90 – $350, approximately

o For 5 litre capacity, the range of the price is $150 – $ 950

  • The operation system

Of course the technology is one of the item that form the rice cooker price. The more advance or unique the technology, the more expensive it is. Here are the technology that cost more in rice cooker price :

o Micro computerized : one of the advantages is you can cook 2 kind of food at once

o Induction Heating (IH) : It could produce high heat so the process in cooking rice is fluffier.

o Induction Heating (IH) with pressure cooker : This rice cooker could generate higher heat than Induction Heating without pressure cooker. Sometimes some of brand could tenderize the meat.

  • Inner Pot Material

There are a lot of kind of inner pot in the rice cooker for your option. Such as :

o Non-sticky

o Proceramic +

o Bakuhanseki or Barley rice stone, etc

o Binchotan Charcoal

The better the material off course the price for rice cooker will be higher.

rice-cooker-price by pixabay
  • Feature

This adding feature will make the rice cooker price higher and also unique. So many feature have been develop and loved by the user.

o Backup Memory : when the power outage is occurred, this the process in cooking will continue. So you don’t have to be worry because the process won’t be start from the beginning.

o Voice Guidance is a speaking rice cooker which will accompany you while you are cooking.

o Fuzzy Logic Technology : this technology is precisely control the temperature.

o Cooking 8 menus or 18 menus : This is optional. Some of the rice cooker could cook until 8 or more. They also have different function such as cooking white rice, porridge, soup and even cake.

If so many features apply in the rice cooker, it means that the price will be expensive. But If you only need to cook rice and also warm it, the price is cheaper.

For your final consideration, please buy the product at the trusted places whether buying directly at store or online store, so the quality and the price can be counted for.

So … which rice cooker will you choose? It depends on your needs or the price. Well!!! We hope this article could help you determine which rice cooker price is the best option for you. Don’t forget to read tiger rice cooker for your reference.

Don’t forget to read our next article that will be interesting even more. Search for Small Rice Cooker in our page. See you!!!