Obviously, from restaurant to a house, we usually cook rice. If you prefer white rice, do you dare to move on? Let’s cook Pressure Cooker Brown Rice.

Many countries around the world use white rice as their main source of energy. Though it is known that white rice has a high sugar content that can increase weight if you don’t do enough exercise. However, white rice can be replaced with brown rice to resolve this problem. Brown rice is more fibrous and lower in sugar, but it is quite difficult to cook perfect rice because the texture is quite tough. But it can be tricked by using a pressure cooker, the best solution to produce the perfect pressure cooker brown rice.

How Does the Pressure Cooker Work?

Cooking using a pressure cooker is considered suitable for hard ingredients because it can make them softer. The pressure cooker works to lock in water steam until the pressure temperature in the pot becomes very high. The heat that is produced inside will be spread evenly and is ideal for producing a perfect pressure cooker brown rice.

Advantages & Functions

The most obvious advantage is that the amount of time used for the cooking process becomes faster, which can even be reduced by 20-70%. This saves time, energy, gas (for conventional types) and electricity (for electric types).

Another advantage of using a pressure cooker is that it can sterilize food, because it is cooked at high temperatures. Therefore, pressure cooker brown rice is referred to as diet-friendly rice.

pressure-cooker-brown-rice by pixabay

Steps to Make Perfect Brown Rice

  1. Soak the rice

In this first step, take brown rice and soak it in cold water for 30 minutes to remove any debris, then remove the water and dry it.

  1. Use enough water

After removing the rice rinse water, put back the water according to how much rice you cook (generally, 1 cup of rice = 2 cups of water) turn on the stove until it whistles 7 times.

  1. Let it rest

This part is very important, besides making the rice fluffier, opening the lid will be very dangerous if the steam pressure is still high. Therefore, wait for  the steam to escape through the steam holes on the pot lid to open it.

  1. Serve

Use a spatula to fluff the rice to separate the grains, or use a fork if needed. Lastly, serve your best pressure cooker brown rice. Furthermore, you could also check Sticky Rice Steamer.

First, make sure you don’t skip any steps to ensure your pressure cooker brown rice cooks perfectly. Secondly, you could enjoy your brown rice with side dishes which are usually eaten with white rice. Unquestionably, the taste is as delicious as usual.

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