Today let’s talk about Mini Rice Cooker. Moms, why do we have to choose it? I think this cookware is passing by our mind for some purpose.

If you have little family that is consist of father, mother and a child, mini rice cooker is the right choice for them. By choosing it, we could imagine the simplicity and effectiveness when we use it. We don’t need a big space to put it. The capacity of electricity is lower. We got reasonable portion when we cook the rice.

Nowadays mini rice cooker is popular in the market. Beside cooking rice, they also come up for steaming and cooking others. The technology applied in it is wider and advance. You can consider a lot of choices depend on your like or preferences.

Moms and Sista, let’s take a look what preferences that could help you choosing Mini Rice Cooker.

  • Cooking Technology

In the market we could make a choice on buying the technology which is represent on the mini rice cooker.

@ Mechanical Rice Cooker : this technology is famous with 3D heating. The heat system is come from side, top and bottom side. This is the most convenient technology on rice cooker. The setting need only one switch and the price is the cheapest. But this type could only cooked two type of serving. Which are cooked rice and porridge.

mini rice cooker by pexels

@Microcomputer Rice cooker : The technology is more advanced than mechanical rice cooker. Please don’t worry about the price since it is still affordable. The heating system is put under the jar. That’s why the heat is not strong enough. Because of this matter, the ripeness of the cooked rice is uneven when you cooked a lot of rice.

@IH or Induction Heating : this technology is famous nowadays. They use electromagnetic wave in order to produce heat. The role of IH system is making sure that rice cooks even and fluffy. But the consumption of the electricity is more than another rice cooker. The features of this type are more complete which could use to cook another dishes.

  • The function as needed

Moms and sista, please make sure you choose mini rice cooker based on your need. For example, beside cooking rice, you also need steam or cooking other dishes. But generally you found that mini rice cooker only have two usages. It is cooking rice, noodle and porridge.

  • Capacity

Don’t forget to check the capacity you are needed before buying. Choose 0,5 litre if you live alone. If your family is consist of two or three people, please use 1 litre.

  • Washable

Choose mini rice cooker that could be clean easier. For example the inner lid is detachable, etc.

Moms and Sista, do you feel that our article is helpful? We hope so. We always put forward the beneficial article so that you could have more preferences in choosing something important in your life. Check Zojirushi rice cooker on our web.

Well … last but not least, as usual we’ll give you the hint on the next article. What do you have in your mind? Hem … I have another good article that you have to read. It is Panasonic rice cooker.

Moms, it’s nice to be with you. See you in our next article.