Hello Mom and Sista, welcome to our kitchen and please enjoy surfing our article to have a lot of knowledge. Well, this time we’ll come up with fabulous article, again. We’ll talk about instant pot rice cooker.

As a pressure-cooking electric device, instant pot could be use as rice cooker. People pleased with this instant pot rice cooker since comparing with stove and oven, it could cook faster. Apart from rice cooker, this instant pot is also use for yogurt maker, slow cooker, sauter, steamer etc.

Instant pot rice cooker is not only cooking white rice but also brown rice, long-grain rice and wild rice. Beside its usage as instant pot rice cooker, it could also cook hands-off by putting the ingredients then switch on the the start button on the instant pot only.

Mom and Sista, if you haven’t cook on instant pot rice cooker, you will wonder how the process is. You have to memorized pressing Instant pot rice button in order to cook rice. Before press the button, please make sure rice and water are measured particularly.

In order to cook faster, you could choose to use manual pressure function. It will help you to serve the cooked rice only a few minutes.

Next, we’ll show you the step of cooking rice with instant pot rice cooker. Here are they :

  • Wash the rice

Instant pot’s manual stated that during evaporation process, washed rice could lose only small amount of moisture. Another good reason for washing rice before cooking are cleaning the starch which could make the rice become sticky and also getting rid of dirt and the rice husk.

  • The right proportion

To avoid overcooked and undercooked rice, you have to make sure that the proportion of rice and water is right. Please don’t cook by one-to-one rice-to-water proportion. One-to-one cooking is making the rice undercooked and on the contrary if you cook with a lot of water. The proportion for white rice and the other type of rice is different. It usually need more water if you want to cook other than white rice.

  • Pressure cook

If you want to cook by instant pot rice cooker please press pressure cook button at High pressure. This high pressure cook will make your cooked rice fluffier and perfectly cooked. Here we give you the best time for cooking rice :

o 5 minutes for cooking white rice (basmati, jasmine)

o 10 minutes for cooking long-grain brown rice

o 15 minutes for cooking wild rice.

instant-pot-rice-cooker by pixabay
  • Natural release

If you expect to have fluffy rice, you have to leave the rice or do not open the lid for at least 10 minutes. This method is called by natural release. Natural release is also avoid your rice is stick on the bottom of the pot or even burn and release the pressure when cooking in instant pot rice cooker.

If you want to serve the fluffy rice, open the valve in order to release the remaining pressure. To make the rice fluffier you could use fork then press the warm button. So you will have your rice hot when it is served.

Well, I think this article will increase your knowledge regarding kitchenware. Our article will help you to choose the right kitchen ware that suit you and your house. Don’t forget to read small rice cooker for increasing your knowledge.

Next article, we’ll talk about stovetop rice cooker. It will be excited and worth to be read. See you!!!