Hello Moms! In this beautiful day, I already imagine to make a soft and also delicious rice with my instant pot rice. Uhm … Yummy. Check it out!!

Delicious rice could be made effortless with instant pot rice recipe. Dinner preparation would be easier to make with this simple pressure cooker rice assistance.

The best Instant pot rice will make your cooking experience more impressive. Beef tenderloin, salmon baked and another side dish will be completed with these fluffy and mouth-watering rice.

Carry out your rice cooking impression with this instant pot rice. Once you experience the simplicity of the process and the serving of the rice, you will love it.

Any Long grain white rice such as Basmati or Jasmine could also be cooked in this instant pot rice. Or you can choose brown rice instead of white rice to be cooked in the instant pot rice. You could also see how to do it in instant pot.


Moms, you should remember the proportion between rice and water if you want to produce the perfect rice. Make sure to use the same cup whenever you measure the water and rice. Please be careful with the proportion of both water and rice. Make sure the proportion is 1 to 1 for instant pot rice.

instant pot rice

You will be astonished why this instant pot rice only required less liquid? Yup … the evaporation only loose less liquid compared with cooking on the stove.

In order to make tasty rice, you could cook with different broth as the substitute of the water. We could use beef broth, chicken broth, vegetable broth or bone broth. The serving of the rice will be more delicious with your flavourful broth but remember to limit the amount of the salt by using low sodium broth.


Before placing the rice in the instant pot, you have to rinse well. Use cool water to clean the rice from excessed starch.

After rinse the rice, place it in the pot and add water or broth based on the above proportion. Put in a little salt on the pot and stir it well to make it tastier. But if you already replace water with broth, the salt is not required.

Check carefully!! On the sides of the pot, there isn’t any rice stuck on it. After that, close the Pot Lid. Don’t forget ensure that the release valve on the sealing position nor you won’t cook the rice just right.

Cooking time is depend on the model of your instant pot. It will be different between Manual button or Pressure cooker.

In order to produce the perfect rice, you have to release the pressure naturally. Beside produce tasty and well cooked rice, this 15 minutes method will be good to avoid your rice sticking on the bottom of the pot.


Moms, we have two recipes for cooking the rice that you should know. Regarding these two recipes, it will produce 6 cups of cooked rice. Please remember the proportion between the water and the rice is remain the same as above explanation.

As long as you don’t fill the rice exceeding the lines on your pot, you will produce more cooked rice. You need our below recipes if you need to maximized the cooking :

• To produce 12 cups of cooked rice, please put in 4 cups of rice in 6 quart instant pot

• To make 18 cups of cooked rice, you can put 6 cups of rice in 8 quart of instant pot.

Well Moms!! That’s all our article about Instant pot rice. Last but not least, for safety food precaution, after cooking the rice, please eat them right away. Or if there is leftover, refrigerate or freeze right away and reheat them before serving