We just buy a new rice cooker. It has a problem not more than lustrum. What about Cosmos Rice Cooker? How is the durability and energy-efficiency? Check it!!!

Cosmos Rice Cooker has now developed into a sophisticated cooking tool. With its various functions and benefits, you should consider having a rice cooker as a versatile cooking tool. There are various brands of rice cookers on the market.

All of them have variants and competitive prices. Likewise, one of the rice cookers that is still a favorite today. It is Cosmos rice cooker.

Unique Designs of Cosmos Rice Cooker

The Cosmos rice cooker is one of the best rice cooker brands from Indonesia. They are budget-friendly. In addition, their quality is guaranteed to be long lasting. Cosmos has many choices of rice cookers. Therefore they have unique designs that you’ll like.

One of the products that have caught consumers’ attention is the Cosmos CRJ 6601. This is a mini rice cooker which can accommodate a capacity of 0.8 liters. In addition, they come up with an attractive design. Other unique rice cooker designs from this brand such as Cosmos Harmond Premium, Cosmos Mini Digital, etc.

Cosmos Rice Cooker Pros and Cons

As one of the well-known brands of rice cooker manufacturers, Cosmos rice cooker also has a feature called Harmond. It is a non-stick feature that ensures no rice is wasted. It will be waste if it sticks to the walls of the inner pot.

Therefore, almost all Cosmos products already use this feature. Aside from that essential feature, what are their other pros and cons?

cosmos-rice-cooker by pixabay


  • Non-stick— With the support of the Harmond feature, it is claimed to be free from hazardous chemicals. Its especially is Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA).
  • Durable— The rice cookers have passed a special processing technology. Therefore the processing itself makes the inner pan go through a cooling process. Thus, it makes the surface layer of the inner pan durable, non-peeling, healthier, and cancer-free.
  • Affordable— The prices are pocket-friendly. Its varying capacity is ranging from 0.8 liters to 2 liters.
  • Energy-efficient— It only requires 300 watts to use. Therefore, the process of cooking rice is shorter and faster.


  • Less attractive color variations— The color variations of the rice cookers are considered unattractive. Therefore, it tend to look boring with the same color concept.
  • Gives off an unpleasant odor— bad odor often occurs when the washing is not clean enough. Sometimes it is from fermentation of leftover rice.

When it comes to rice cookers, the Cosmos rice cooker products are popular in Indonesia. You could compared it to other brands. Aside from having good quality, their prices also tend to be affordable. Their rice cookers are also versatile with multiple functions at once. You could also check Multifunctional Electric Cooker.

Besides being able to cook rice, they can also be used for other menu. It could cook porridge, steam vegetables, bake cakes, and make soup. The priced is at less than $100. You can get a rice cooker with a modern design that is durable and energy-efficient.

After reading our detail explanation about Cosmos Rice Cooker, are you dare to change yours? You could calculate the benefit compare with the loss. Is it worth buying?

If you still hesitant, you could also peek our other article at our website. It will talk about Best Small Rice Cooker. Happy reading and see you!!!