Boring of eating white rice. But rice is your favourite food. In that case, brown rice in rice cooker is another way of eating your favourite food.

Brown rice is one of the rice type which have in-esculent hull on the outer hence it needs to be removed.  This whole grain rice hull or husk is released and generate tan colour or brown rice because its bran and germ layer still stick on it. What is the different with white rice? The different of them is on the hull, bran layer and cereal germ. If these type is different, what about the taste of brown rice in rice cooker?

When talking about the taste between white rice and brown rice, most of the people will choose white rice. But nowadays, brown rice is become the favourite food of the people who prioritized health. Even the protein and fibre content is lower than white rice but it has second highest carbohydrate and starch content after oat.

In the contrary, white rice is losing its several vitamins and dietary mineral in the polishing process. That’s why, brown rice is the other healthy option when comparing with white rice. You could also read Smart Rice Cooker for you adding information.

After recognize about brown rice comparing with white rice, we would like to engage you to make brown rice in rice cooker. The process is not as difficult as we imagine but it need longer time in cooking it compared with white rice. Hence, you only need to pay attention on several matter.

brown-rice-in-rice-cooker by pixabay

Rinsing the Rice

Rinsing brown rice will elevate starch, dust and dirt from the grain. But some people also believe that this process will lessen the nutrient. However the decision in rinsing brown rice depends on their own belief.

One of the famous chef, Chef Dan Marek, said that rinsing is required in order to get fluffy and light brown rice. Especially if you cook jasmine or basmati rice, rinsing is a must. In the contrary, this process won’t be necessary if you cook shorter-grain brown rice. This shorter-grain rice is usually used in making sushi or sticky rice.

Comparation of Rice and Water

The key of great result in getting fluffy brown rice is on the comparation of rice and water. Therefore if you have precisely cooked rice, you would get quite chewy consistently. Otherwise, you will get undercook and mushy cooked rice, if your cooking method is not proper. Brown rice in rice cooker comparation is 1 cup rice to 2 cups of water. You will get 3 ½ cups of cooked rice.

Cooking Time

As we previously talk above, the cooking time for brown rice is longer than white rice. You should know about it. If you want to have brown rice in rice cooker perfectly, you should pay attention on this matter. The proper cooking time for it is 50 minutes.

The cooking time for brown rice in rice cooker is twice then coking white rice. Is there a way to cut down the cooking time? Based on Chef Marek information, we could cut down the time by pre-soak the brown rice before cooking it. By pre-soaking it in 90 minutes, you could cook it in a half normal time.

Place brown rice in large bowl and add water on it. Wait until 90 minutes before cooking it in rice cooker. You could also pre-soak it 15 minutes, if you have limited time. 15 minutes soaking will be help us to wash away the excess starches which will help unclump the rice being together. You should rinse the rice after soaking it until the water is clear.

If you use this method, by soaking first before cooking, please pay attention to the comparation of rice and water. After soaking it, 1 cup of rice should be add 1 ¾ cups of water.

Cooking Process

  • After rinsing brown rice, don’t forget to drain it
  • Put rice into the rice cooker and add water based on the comparation. Pay attention whether you pre-soak it or not.
  • Cook the rice by turn on the rice cooker based on the comparation also.
  • After the cooking process done, give 10 minutes more on stand before fluffy rice brown serving.

Well, we hope you could try to cook brown rice in rice cooker for your alternative rice. Apart from the delicious taste, the nutrient in brown rice is good for our health. Don’t forget to seek for another good article in our website. One of them is Korean Rice Cooker. Happy reading and see you!!!