Best sushi rice cooker at home is the dream of sushi lover. It is not pricy and easier to make it. You could find the ingredients near your house.

Sushi is not only for Japanese. Nowadays, we could find a lot of sushi store or restaurant all over the world. Moreover, most of the people really like this food, not only Japanese people. Although this food could be found easier, but making it by yourself is fascinating. Let’s talk about Best sushi rice cooker.

Making best sushi rice cooker is easy. You could make use your rice cooker at home. Whatever type of rice cooker could do it. You only have to know how to make it. Let’s talk about the type of sushi rice before moving on to the recipe.

Here are the type of sushi rice you should know:

This rounded sushi fill with side dishes, cucumber, salmon, beef, egg, seafood, vegetables, avocado (optional) and so on. All of the filling is wrapping with nori or seaweed. We could eat this food with wasabi paste or Japanese soy sauce.

  • Nigiri Sushi

This sushi is served by clenching the rice into small and oval shape. On top of the sushi usually put on fresh and raw seafood such as salmon fillet, fish egg or caviar, octopus, tuna, squid etc.

best-sushi-rice-cooker by pixabay
  • Inarizushi

Another type sushi is Inarizushi. This sushi will be wrapped with fried tofu bag. The filling of inarizushi texture is tender but the tofu is crunchy. The filling is consist of seafood, omelette, beef, sausage and vegetables.

  • Chirashi

This type of sushi bowl is famous among Japanese restaurant. The way it’s presented is different. Mixing seasoning rice and rice vinegar. After that put it on the bottom side. Add nori (seaweed), fresh seafood, chicken, beef, caviar (fish egg), and cucumber on top of the rice.

  • Uramaki

How to wrap Uramaki is contrast with Norimaki. For Norimaki, nori will wrap the rice and the filling or side dishes. In the contrary, in Uramaki, nori will wrap the filling or side dishes (vegetables, sausage, etc). Finally, the rice will wrap the filling or side dishes which already wrap by nori.

In order to get best sushi rice cooker, we should pay attention on the rice cooking. Here are the step of cooking rice for sushi.

  • Put rice and cold water in the pot
  • Reduce the water little bit since we will add vinegar on it
  • While the cooking process is still going on, prepare seasoned vinegar
  • Mix vinegar, salt and sugar in different bowl.
  • Add ¼ cup of sushi vinegar (in 1 – 5 cups of uncooked rice)
  • Toss the grains gently. Don’t mix too hard to avoid the rice tacking and decay too much
  • Before using it, let the rice cool down to the room temperature.

After knowing about how to cook the rice for best sushi rice cooker, we’ll also give you the tips and trick to have a perfect rice for sushi.

  • Avoid rinse the rice. Because the starch will help the rice keep sticking together and it is ideal for sushi.
  • Filter the water from your tap water. Sometimes the taste of the tap water is unsavoury.
  • You could buy seasoned vinegar at the store. This vinegar already has salt and sugar on it.
  • To avoid your rice dry out, you could put damp towel to cover the inner pot

You could use whatever rice cooker you have at home.  And for additional preference, you should also read about Pampered Chef Rice Cooker and Korean Rice Cooker. Happy reading and see you!!!